Saturday, February 20, 2010

Topic 6 : PCP and Wrap around


Person centered planning (PCP)

The process that creates a whole life plan based on the targeted individual. One important aspect of Positive behavior system. PCP’s are said to increase quality of life as it reduces any apparent problem behaviors. PCP is the foundation or starting point of any information gathering performed by a team of individuals. This may sound like the before mentioned FBA process but it is different in the direction members take while evaluating needs of the individual. Instead of focusing on what the individual cannot do until behavior is changed, the PCP process focus’s on what the individual needs to be successful.

Those involved in the PCP process are all members involved in the individuals life The parents and the individual are key elements in designing an effective plan. The Values are rooted in building upon an individuals positive strengths and building from the strengths up, the PCP and wrap around process do not look at the negatives in an individual but just the opposite. It is also important to realize these plans do not focus on experts or proven research models. Just the opposite they focus on the person and where to go from there is dependant upon the individual’s needs


• Increasing involvement in community activities

• Creating, developing and enhancing relationships

• Increasing individuals chance to make choices and express themselves

• Creating respect based relationships and life activities

• Improving the quality of life by use of skills and expertise

In the PCP process the vision develops the individuals ability to change or use strategies to address the individuals needs.

PCP Process is ongoing or cylical:

1. Develop a vision

2. Develop a plan

3. Evaluate the plan

4. Make any needed changes or adjustments

Preparing for a PCP or wrap around meeting? Here are some steps to follow:

1. Strategize the way to introduce the PCP strategies that will be incorporated – the facilatator may need to meet with family and other individuals prior to the wrap around meeting

2. Get to know the individual so you have a strong understanding of the individuals strengtObOhs, preferences and preferred communication styles. The individual can share their desires for the results of the meeting.

3. Obtain a list of people the individual would like to have in attendance and confer with the individual prior to the meeting about who will be there and the expectations.

4. Final task is to schedule the meeting at a time all team members and those asked to attend can meet

Problems that may occur:

• Individual indicates they do not want a particular team member in attendance

• Emotional connections to issues discussed

• Rapport with some individuals is not agreeable

• Do all involved understand the positive contributions the individual is able to contribute?

• Do all involved understand the PCP process?

• Contacting individuals who are not involved and trying to get them involved

• Building positive rapport with all individuals

Before the meeting steps to follow:

1. Collecting and organizing materials used in planning the meeting to ensure the smooth flow of the meeting process

2. Make sure there are activities for all to be involved in using chart papers to encorporate all voices in the meeting

3. Use visual reminders during the meeting to focus members on the strengths and needs in all areas

4. Establish ground rules for the meeting sessions to encourage professional and safe environment for all involved

5. Make sure individual is involved in the planning process

After completing the first meeting set dates for follow up meetings to evaluate the effectiveness of the plan

Evaluate team process

Evaluate team changes

Evaluate system change

Facilitator’s role in follow up meetings

* schedule the meetings in cooperation with individual and their parent

* respond to team members requests for information

* Assis the team in reviewing data

* Brainstorm new goals with the team as needed

* summarize and document the changes to vision or plan of action

Wrap around planning includes all individuals involved in working with the targeted individual including the individual and their family members.
Wrap around planning covers 10 domains of life
•Family support,
•Living situation,
•Basic needs,
•Emotional/behavioral, and
•Cultural/spiritual issues


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