Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Topic 3 Managing Classroom Behaviors

Check out these checklist - Are you an Awesome Teacher with great Management?  Here are some great checklist
Ref:  CPS PBS Draft 061807 (Setting up Routines)
Create Your Classroom Routines

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: _________

Consistency, Consistency, Consistency! The key to success! Establish and stick with routines that fit your teaching style and your students will be successful! Kids like predictable situations where they know the routine and know the consequences. Use this checklist to give you ideas of routines that you may need to teach and practice! You will create more teaching time for yourself in the long run!

Arrival Routines

_____ Entering the Classroom
What is the expectation for when and how students enter the classroom?
(walking, no talking, hug the teacher, greet at the door, go to seat, etc.)
_____ Backpacks
When and how should students hang up their backpacks? Do they need to get everything out of it for the day?
_____ Coatroom / Lockers
Is there a limit as to how many people can be in the coatroom / out at lockers at
_____ Lunch Boxes
Where should students put their lunch boxes in the morning so they are easily assessable for lunch?
_____ Notes from Home
Where should students put notes from parents?
_____ Friday/Monday Folders
When and where should students return Friday Folders?
_____ Chairs
Will students need to get their chair off of a stack? Will they do this before or after they put away backpacks?
_____ Attendance
How is attendance taken?
_____ Morning Work/Arrival Activity or Assignment
Will there be morning work on the students’ desks/Smart Board/overhead when they come in? Will they turn it in when they finish or will you go over it as a class?
_____ Tardy/Late Arrivers
What do students who arrive late need to do?

Daily Routines

_____ Lining Up/ Line Order
How and where will student line up? What will their line order be? How often will you change line order?
_____ Water Bottles
Where will student keep their water bottles during the day? What will students do if they want or need to refill their water bottle?

_____ Homework
Where should students put their homework? How will you check homework for completion? Grade? How will homework be returned to students?
_____ Missed Homework Assignments
How and where do students get homework assignments they missed due to an absence?
_____ Unfinished Work
What should students do when they have unfinished work? What will the consequence be for your classroom?
_____ Completed Work Early
What should students do when they complete assignments early? Read? Write?
_____ Asking for Assistance/Getting Teacher Attention
Will student be able to ask other students for help? Ask three before you come to me? Raise your hand?
_____ Writing Name on Work
Will students need to always write their first and last name? Class Number? Date? Top right hand corner? On line provided?
_____ Snacks
What will your procedure for snack be? Will each student bring snack once a month for everyone to share? What will you do if people do not have snacks? Where will snacks be kept until snack time?
_____ Transitions From Whole Class to Small Group Activities
How do your students move in the classroom between large/whole class instruction to small group activities?
_____ Transitions From Whole Class to Partner Work
How do your students move in the classroom between large/whole class instruction to partner work?
_____ Transitions From Whole Class to Independent Work
How do your students move in the classroom between large/whole class instruction to independent work?
_____ Working Independently
What are the expected procedures, rules, and behaviors when completing independent work?
_____ Partner Work
What are the expected procedures, rules, and behaviors when completing partner work?
_____ Working in Groups
What are the expected procedures, rules, and behaviors when working in small groups?
_____ Working at Centers/Stations?
What are the expected procedures, rules, and behaviors when working in small groups?
_____ Working in Large group/whole class
What are the expected procedures, rules, and behaviors when working in large group/whole class?
_____ Pencil Sharpening
When will students sharpen pencils? How will they know when they can sharpen pencils?
_____ Getting More Materials
When and where may students get more materials (paper, scissors, books, etc.)?

_____ Classroom Jobs
Will you have classroom jobs? What jobs will you have? When and how will students perform jobs?
_____ Agenda/Homework Assignments
When and where will students write down their homework assignments? Will parents have to sign off on homework?
_____ Lost and Found
Where will lost or found items be put that are from the classroom?
_____ Bathroom
What will your bathroom procedure be? Will you go as a class? Have students sign out and in? What are procedures if you have a bathroom in your classroom?
_____ Answering Phone/Welcoming Visitors
Who answers the phone? Do you want to have materials available to take a note? What do you or students do when a visitor arrives?
_____ Individual Students Re-entry From Specialists, Nurse, Counselor, etc.
What do students who come back to class reenter without disturbing others? Who do they ask to learn what they should do?
_____ Correction Procedures (Safe Seat, Buddy Room, Office Referral)
What do students do when corrected? What materials are needed? How will you teach? What do they do to leave? What behaviors do they need to display to reenter? Who, when and how will students discuss their behavior and what they need to do in the future?
_____ Cell phones, iPODS, other Electronic Devices
What are your expectations regarding the use of these devices in your classroom? Make sure that your rules/routines are in alignment with school-wide policies.

Dismissal Routines
_____ Chairs
What will students need to do with their chairs at the end of the day? Stack? Put on top of desk?
_____ Coat Room / Lockers
When and how will students know they can go to the coat room /lockers?
_____ Backpacks
When will students get their backpacks? How will they know they have everything they need for the night?
_____ Homework
How will you assign homework? Remember, the guideline is 10 minutes per grade level per night. We try to stay away from weekend homework so families can have family time. (Also, no homework during standardized testing- MAP, CAT, etc.)
_____ Leaving the Classroom
Will students all leave at the same time? Will students have to tell you one thing they learned before they can leave? What will y our expectations and routine be?
_____ Bus Riders
Will students sit at their seats until their bus is called? Will they line up at the door? Will they play a game until they are called?
_____ Walkers and Car Riders
Will students sit at their seats until walkers and car riders are called? Will they line up at the door? Will they play a game until they are called?

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